Motivation to Grow

Do the dreams and goals you aspire to seem overwhelming at times? Mine sure have, and I made the mistake for far too long of allowing that to cripple me, to remain stuck. The mistake of letting the voices of fear, uncertainty, insecurity and doubt creep in and take over my dreams, convincing me I'd never be enough, do enough, or have enough to make any of it happen.

I finally said enough is enough and booted the bullies in my head to the curb!

I wish I could say it happened instantly, but once those voices dig in, they don't let go easily. It's a process that requires a commitment to take those thoughts as they arise and change the perspective. For instance, instead of asking "am I good enough," ask "am I doing my best?"

And don't play the comparison game. We are all uniquely created, with varying gifts and abilities that make each of us an individual. What a boring world it would be if we were all the same.

Be honest with yourself and challenge yourself to grow. What's the next small step you can take to achieve your goals and dreams? 

Notice I said "small." Unfortunately, our society has conditioned us to want it all and want it now. The reality is, great things are built step by step, moment by moment. Small seeds planted and well nurtured can become the mightiest of trees.

So sign up for that class, learn that new skill, apply for that job, make that phone call, send that email, walk to your mailbox and back, add a vegetable to your plate, start saving $5 a week. 

Write that first paragraph of the next chapter of your life. 

What's one small, manageable step you can take today to make your dreams come true? Make a commitment by posting below!


  1. Though weary some days, hearing the “bully” in my head, I will keep editing. As it’s said, “Writing is rewriting...” How true that is!

  2. Thank you for this encouragement to take the next small step!
    I need to remind myself of this everyday :). My small step is writing for 30 min every day.


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